KNEXIT® bridges the data, documents and relationships managed in different application silos to create a seamless, consolidated, searchable and logically navigable information network. It is an integrated data environment that provides current and historic information from across the enterprise through a single portal.
Data and documents accessed through KNEXIT® will have the same level of rich pedigree, navigability, and relational intelligence even if the source applications do not support such features. It virtually removes the boundaries of the application silos that manage the data without disrupting the applications themselves.
Knowledge required to find facility-specific information quickly and repeatably is typically acquired through work experience in the company. The information organically accumulating in KNEXIT® quickly becomes 'knowledge' that is accessible to the experienced and the inexperienced.
KNEXIT® continuously captures and retains tacit company knowledge of information content through their interconnectivity and interdependencies in the data network. The historical accumulation of this information over time becomes institutional knowledge of the information pedigree available to all users.
Relationships are key to all information access. That is how humans think. However revealing all information is information overload. Also, changes to relationship are just as important to track to keep current.
KNEXIT® provides a network of information linked through semantic (meaningful) relationships that it keeps track of through it relational intelligence capability. Users can choose the relationships they wish to see at any given time, reducing the clutter and enabling problem-solving focus.
KNEXIT® is a low-risk solution because it is an overlay over existing applications without disrupting their core roles or data content.
Watch a short video overview of KNEXIT® using one industry example. KNEXIT® is more broadly applicable because it can be applied to any problem that requires data integration and change tracking.
KNEXIT® is a generic application, and its capability can be observed in a number of different use cases.
KNEXIT® is an overlay over your existing applications. It is non-disruptive to your normal work process with your existing applications. It presents data from enterprise applications and from spreadsheets in the same level of pedigree and change impact tracking.
It connects all types of data. It tracks relationships between requirements, documents, equipment tags, components, comments, responses, resolutions
Information is only as useful as the manner in which it can be understood.
The KNEXIT® portal takes graphical navigation to a new level. It provides a pictorial view of relationships that is intuitive, dynamic, and flexible.
Relationships have logical business meanings, also known as semantics. KNEXIT® supports an intelligent relational structure with status, context, and history of relationships.
Whether it be changes to data within a single application or changes across application boundaries, KNEXIT® tracks them all and their impacts across relationships. It provides a graphical view of the seamless trace across applications.
The KNEXIT® approach integrates information from the surrounding applications without attempting to integrate all applications to talk to each other.
The performance, safety and compliance of every operating facility depends on the availability, and dependability of its associated information. KNEXIT® provides the traceability from requirements to design, construction, operations and maintenance accessible through a single portal, even when dedicated specialized systems continue to control and manage their data.
(fictitious scenario for illustration only)
Digital Transformation in an Operating facility is like rebuilding an aircraft in mid-flight. Changes to information technology systems also implies changes to access to information that is managed by those systems. Loss of information or even restriction to access to information are unacceptable for an operating facility or project.
Watch how KNEXIT® can help start small and expand with minimal disruption.
(fictitious scenario for illustration only)
A significant part of the preparation for Turnaround is gathering the right information. This requires accessing different systems to obtain the latest drawings, floor plans, SOPs, engineering specifications, and condition of equipment. But the greater challenge is the uncertainty from ongoing change. KNEXIT® simplifies the process because it captures the latest information and their dependencies that impact them. All potential impacts can be previewed seamlessly from its portal no matter in which system it occurs.
(fictitious scenario for illustration only)
Project information is constantly under change. To avoid losing configuration control, a continual effort is spent verifying that all change impacts are fully captured and applied.
KNEXIT® monitors and flags change impacts 24 x 7. This constant monitoring of the consistency of the network of linked information saves countless man-hours that would otherwise be needed for verifying information or dealing with rework from unwittingly using superseded information.
(fictitious scenario for illustration only)
KNEXIT’s multi-server architecture enables the participating organizations in the project to collaborate at the information level without accessing their separate LANs. The prime and other contractors can view information changes from other contractors in KNEXIT® as soon as they are published. This provides a structured collaborative environment balancing formal release protocols with instant access and cross-contractor visibility.
(fictitious scenario for illustration only)
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